Appendix V
Definition of Variables
Variables as labeled in the Tables Note : Data from the census of Population and Housing, 2000, Summary Tape File 3 were used for all analysis. |
Census Variables Used
African American Families Below Poverty- Black Head of Household with income at or below poverty status over total families
P124A P124B |
Crowding Index- percent of occupied housing units with more than 1 person per room
H71 |
Education Index- percent with less than HS diploma that are 25 years or older
P57 |
Family Structure Index- percent of children living in two parent home
P23 |
Female headed Families - the number of females responsible for households with families
P22 |
Female Headed Families Below Poverty - the number of females responsible for their families who have income below poverty level versus the total number of families
P123 |
Functional Illiteracy Rate- percent of adults over 25 years of age with 0-8 years of education
P57 |
High School Drop-out Rates- Persons 16-19 years old not enrolled in school and without a high school diploma
P61 |
Households on Public Assistance- percent of households on public assistance over total households
P95 |
Jobless Rate- percent of unemployed and those less than 65 years old not in civilian labor force
P70 |
Less Than HS Diploma- persons 25 years and older with less than 12th grade education or no diploma
P57 |
Median Family Income - Median family income in 1999
P107A |
Median Family Income when used as neighborhood figures -calculated with individual incomes of families in neighborhood
P107 P23 |
Occupation Index- percent of semi-skilled and unskilled workers compared to all employed persons 16 years and older
P78 |
Percent African American Population- total number of persons claiming black race over total number of persons claiming all other races
P8 |
Percent of Families Below Poverty- the number of families below poverty over the total number of families, regardless of income levels. Poverty statistics were based on the standard used by federal agencies. The income thresholds are set by size of family unit cross-classified by presence and number of family members under 18 years old and if single or two-person families, differentiated by age of the householders (under 65 years old and 65 years and older). The thresholds are revised annually to allow for changes in the cost of living as reflected in the consumer price index. The average poverty threshold for a family of four persons was $ 12,674 in 1999
P123 |
Percent of First Generation Immigrants
P42 |
Percent of Households Below Poverty- the number of households below poverty over total households
P122 |
Percent Single Family Dwellings- number of living quarters with one unit compared to number of living quarters with two or more units
H20 |
Percent White or Other Population- total number of persons claiming white or another race over total number of persons of any race
P8 |
Social Economic Status Index- a composite scale developed from comparative ranking on five variables. These variables were the five dimensions used by the census bureau in the New Haven Study : (median) family income, occupational status, educational attainment, housing volume, and family structure. The relative rank for each census tract was determined and then the average of these five variables made the SES index number.
P107A H71 P23 P78 P57 |
Total Families- total number of families living in the census tracts
P4 |
Total Housing Units- number of separate living quarters, such as houses, apartments, mobile homes or trailers. Separate living quarters are those in which occupants live and eat separately from any other persons in the building and which have direct access from outside the building or through a common hall. If quarters contain nine or more persons unrelated to the householder, it is classified as group quarters
H1 |
Total Population- total number of persons living in the census tracts
P1 |
Unemployment Rate- Percent of unemployment persons in civilian labor force
P70 |
White Families below poverty- white head of household with income at or below poverty status over total families
P124A P124B |
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